Saturday, May 17, 2008

Spencer's Ride

In the span of two short weeks this March, our oldest son, Spencer, celebrated his 18th birthday (which implies that he is now an adult); he passed the GED test, he attended the License Presentation Ceremony at the Floyd County Courthouse and received his permanent plastic driver's license--and last, but not least, he bought his first car.

It was a moment in time when every day was a Big Deal.

When Spencer sailed through the GED, it was no ordinary feat. This kid enjoyed 1 year of private school, 2 years of public school and 9 years of home schooling through 11th grade. We were all invested in his education. I mean blood, sweat and tears invested (okay, no blood), from both parents. We joke that he'll need counseling when he's 40 to recover from his hybrid education, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Or rather, he will.
As the story goes, he didn't return to Floyd County High School for his senior year. He opted out (oh, the scandal!). He went to the Prom in his Jr. year and was a member of Marching and Concert Bands (he was the tall, thin guy on baritone). He felt like he had his high school 'experience' and was ready to move on. In January he enrolled part-time at Virginia Western Community College and he finished his first semester two weeks ago. He's working this summer at the Harvest Moon.

I'm not gonna lie, we parents have days when we understand why parents in general are overjoyed when their older teen moves out, but we're mostly glad he's still living at home.

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