Thursday, December 27, 2007

Getting ready for next year

A baker's dozen of unpublished posts rambling in my head and two months later, we're fast approaching the end of the year. This seems to happen with increasing regularity.

The Christmas rush and pressure is over--all except thank-you notes, which will be written and mailed within a week. We don't usually put away Christmas decorations and take down our tree until we're knee deep into January (three years ago we left the tree up with the lights on it until Valentine's Day), though my husband and I had a discussion just yesterday about doing it earlier and getting on with our lives.
Heck, yesterday when we were shopping for items needed for our new 'individual' moving in Saturday 12/29, I bought a drawer organizer for my perpetually sloppy sock and underwear drawer. I 'organize' it every January and it lasts for two weeks. I must mean business if I'm buying gadgets to help me be--and stay--more organized. Shoot, it's not even 2008 yet.

It crossed my mind that I should post before and after photos, but I'll stick with the tiny photo borrowed from Creative Commons. You get the idea.

Here's a post on sorting your socks (or not) by a professional organizer with a good tip for people with ADD.

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