Thursday, June 07, 2007

Stuck in Spin

It's been a month since I've posted. Some blogger I am.

I have this crazy idea that I have to come up with the title first and this often stops me in my tracks. I always have thoughts swirling around in my mind. It would be better to get them out than let them tumble in an endless loop like an ADD word-filled washing machine stuck on spin cycle.

Can you post without a title? I haven't tried.

[Photo courtesy of Creative Commons.]

1 comment:

David St Lawrence said...

Blogging and post titles

Don't get fixated on the title.There is nothing sacred about a title. Seizing on the title and letting it control your writing is like defining the size of a box and then trying to buy and fit a gift into it.

Pick a likely title and if while you are writing you discover that the preamble is becoming the post, just keep on writing and when you are finished, revise the title.

The order of priority is writing something interesting, then naming it. If the name won't let you write something interesdting, change it.

Good luck!