Monday, September 04, 2006

In Search of My Niche

This is my first post. I've been thinking about starting a blog for some time, but got stuck coming up with a name. You sail along creating the blog and then you're asked for a name. I didn't have one. No catchy title, no real theme and using my full name presents a problem, so there I sat. What name? This wasn't going to be a blog that revolved around a single subject, despite everything experts say about successful blogs being focused, single subject blogs.

What to call my blog? Everything Blue Ridge Mountain related was taken and as the title suggests, I don't have a niche. I have a scattered, unfocused life (for now), and though I'm making progress on my path towards future career passions (call me a late bloomer), that's a subject for another day. It was my husband, Scott, who came up with "In Search of My Niche," but I didn't fill out the form correctly, got interrupted--and another month went by. Meanwhile, my husband beat me to it and began his blog--darn him!

I'm not sure if DCRW will be a keeper, but it gets me out of my rut and allows me to begin. Here's to starting something new, to be celebrated shortly with a few nibbles of dark chocolate on this chilly, rainy Labor Day, and followed by a glass of red wine later this evening. It's my comfort, my therapy, at the end of 'one of those days' and propels me further on my path in search of my niche.

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